Are you ready to look at lots and lots of cute puppies? Who wouldn’t be? However, this class is not about fluff, even though the cute factor is pretty amazing.
If you want to train dogs, you really ought to know about the species. And it all starts here.
What does it take to make average puppies, with sound genetics, into above average, brilliant dogs? A dog that excels in performance and as a companion because their ability to communicate with people is enhanced by early training. You are about to find out!
We are providing lots of written materials to accompany this course. TIP: Course files (handouts) available for download are seen at the bottom of the FIRST lesson in which they are first introduced - just click on the file's name to download it. Each section has a Study Guide introduced in the first lesson of that section.
You can also download all course files (handouts) in the "Course Files" tab on the home page of this course.
Most of the Study Guides are LARGE pdf files, so please be patient while they download (especially if your internet speed is slow).
Finally, we suggest you set up a notebook now to organize your downloaded documents and notes.
Is Your Computer Ready for Online Courses?
Before you begin the course, confirm that your computer supports the requirements of online courses. Follow the four steps outlined in our "Computer Test Drive" (click here). Then, you are ready to start!