Dog Behaviour & Training with Brenda Aloff

Specializing in Sport & Working Dogs

Brenda draws from her experience in training dogs & teaching people to teach YOU skills to make good training decisions.
  • 30+ years of experience professionally training dogs
  • In depth knowledge of Learning Theory
  • Training that combines finesse and The Art of training with The Science of training.
  • A lifetime of working with horses

Brenda offers training for individuals of all skill levels

Welcome to Smart Training With Brenda

You can sign up for our Newsletter by clicking below.

You will also get a free Welcome Kit which are video, audio and text related to Training Smarter with Brenda : )

Want to explore what is in the Smart Training with Brenda? Click on the picture.

We will NEVER, EVER spam you or sell or share your email address.

I know I am very annoyed when it seems as if everyone wants my email address to bombard me with emails. I will not do that to you. If you sign up for a class, you will get emails related to that class.

You may also sign up for a newsletter, in which case you will get my infrequent newsletters.

The handy thing is, when you return, you will have access to your own dashboard, showing classes you are in and other valuable information for you.

I’m super busy and so are you. I am always trying to pack even more into an already bursting schedule. So I’m gonna make this super easy for you…

Register for any Course. You will get a link to access the Course Page. Then, no traveling & at your convenience….Improve your knowledge & Training Skills.

We will never, ever SPAM you nor sell or share your email address.

To gain access to the free lessons we offer in each course, this platform requires you provide your email address. We understand some may hesitate at this, as we would, too. Let us assure you we will not ever use your email address without your permission.

I know I am very annoyed when it seems as if everyone wants my email address to bombard me with emails. I will not do that to you. If you sign up for a class, you will get emails regarding the class. You may also sign up for a newsletter, in which case you will get my infrequent newsletters. The handy thing is, the system will remember your email address and you'll have your own dashboard when you return.

Brenda's Virtual Dog Training is like being in a clinic...except you are at home!

You can even Train in Your Pajama's if that is what makes you happy.

Use Brenda's Proven Training System that has helped thousands of dog/handler teams from beginners to top competitors & working dog handlers in the US, Canada, Europe & Australia.

  • The Engaged Dog: Smart Training, Sophisticated Communication, Unstoppable Teamwork. This is not just a Long Name: These techniques will revolutionize your training.

  • From Beginners to Top Competitors in Dog Sports & Working Dog Handlers

  • Learn how easy it is to free yourself from both common & uncommon, frustrating issues that limit your training.

  • Learn how to diagnose and solve the most common reasons for lack of attention & lack of motivation.

  • Want a partner who enjoys the time spent together as much as you do? You can develop this partnership!

In order to make my classrooms as accessible as possible...

Movies have Closed Captioning. 

Audio files are either Closed Captioned or have Transcripts.

Click on the video below to explore this feature.

Brenda's online courses are full of learning opportunities via video, audio and downloadable PDF files.  To be sure your computer is set up for the best possible learning experience, take a test drive with us!

Access a Zoom Tutorial & Download Zoom 

Click on the GSD above to access  a time zone converter for your convenience. All calls are scheduled in

Eastern Time.

For example:

If our meeting was at noon Eastern Time it would be:

11 AM for Central Time

10 AM for Mountain Time

9 AM for Pacific Time

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